
Who understood life well

Who understood life well

1. In our daily lives, we have many situations that require reflection, patience, deliberation, and lack of urgency. These attitudes are right next to us most of the time, but we remain silent or indi...

  • by نور عبدالرحمن الجناحي
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  • 2018-09-04
First-generation breeders

First-generation breeders

Abu al-Dardaa, Awaimer bin Malik al-Ansari Khazraji may Allah be pleased with him, educator of the first generation, the generation of companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, who received the ...

  • by عبدالرحمن الذوادي
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  • 2018-08-28
Corresponding tweets!

Corresponding tweets!

(You can benefit from mathematics by the people who benefit from engineering by two dimensions .. Tkvhnu benefited from vertebrates and invertebrates !? by making a veterinarian, for example?). (And A...

  • by عبدالله عبدالرحمن
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  • 2018-08-28